Other web resources
Domain name search
Check to see if the domain name you want is still available here.
Meta tag analyzer
Optimize your web site's meta tags for best results in the search
Once you have your site up and running, you'll need to announce your
URL and drive traffic to your website. There are a host of marketing tools
available for website promotion and they include:
- Banner advertising
- Email & newsgroup marketing
- Search engine submission
- Signature files
To learn how to create search-engine-friendly webpages and submissions
of URL to major search engines, we would recommend SelfPromotion.com.
The site is a leading resource for do-it-yourself promotion and contains
all the information and automatic submission tools that you need and the
best part - IT'S FREE!
Visit the site now at http://www.selfpromotion.com
Other sites that provide automated submission tools are as follows:
Submit Express
Search Engine
When you are ready to explore banner advertising and Email marketing
for your marketing and promotion campaigns, please send an email to sales@irepublics.com
and we will forward you a banner kit on advertising with iRepublics.com's