iRepublics.com Quick Intro
iRepublics.com represents one of Value-i-Store's internet sites; the other two being online shopping at vis.com.my and meta-search and free webmail services at contact.com.my. The principal objective of iRepublics.com is to further the company's mission of growth and value creation through e-commerce and related value-chain activities.
iRepublics.com is currently providing free web-hosting and web-mail hosting for SMEs. The free-hosting features include:
Individual corporate domain name
200MB web space
30 email accounts at 20MB per email account
24 hour ftp access
Pre-defined CGI scripts
No banner-ad requirements on web pages
Since its launch in July 2000, iRepublics.com is currently providing hosting services to thousands of corporate sites. The service has been introduced to enable the rapid building of an e-commerce ready infrastructure at iRepublics.com's client sites. Subsequently, Value-i-Store shall be rolling out third party e-commerce and logistics solutions for the companies that it is hosting to enable them to participate in the e-commerce world. This shall be achieved by building on its clients' infrastructure as well as by leveraging on Value-i-Store's tehnical capabilities, e-commerce experience, and systems and value-chain integrations.
Current revenue streams at iRepublics.com include banner advertisements on client webmail and SMS pages; customized design and development, web-enablement, systems integrations, and e-commerce solutions for larger corporations.
Our mission
To create value and growth through e-commerce and related value-chain activities, in the region and internationally.
Corporate Overview
Established in 1996, Value-i-Store operates as well as provides e-commerce services targeted towards web-based communities in the region and internationally.
Electronic Commerce Activities
VIS is one of the pioneer organizations in the region that provides an integrated electronic-shopping service with the internet as the principal channel. As the pioneer, VIS has spent considerable efforts on indigenous software development, creation of 'electronic-shopping' engines, database integration, dynamic page content creations, encryption technologies, hardware solutions, and deployment. Besides information technology development, VIS has also built a logistics and support infrastructure to support it's business that is modeled around ever-increasing standards of customer service, rapid turnaround time, and value-chain integrations.
The objectives of developing an electronic commerce format that is thriving while minimising overhead costs and maximising productivity were achieved. VIS' shopping site at www.vis.com.my seeks to add value for its customers by providing a lifestyle, be it a work or personal lifestyle, that is more convenient, more affordable for specific brands, service-oriented, and quality-based.
Besides the shopping site, VIS also operates a portal site at www.contact.com.my that provides meta-search and directory services for targeted web-based communities. The same portal site also provides free 10MB web-based email services.
Electronic Commerce Services
Through integration of both business concepts and IT solutions, coupled with a foresight for and rapid adoption of appropriate emerging technologies, VIS is able to leverage on its technical capabilities to effectively provide and serve e-commerce services for its third-party clients. On broad technical competencies, VIS have implemented and provided support for major operating system and platforms that include Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Novell Netware, Unix, etc. for principal partners such as Compaq, Digital Equipment, American Power Conversion, Veritas, Execsoft, and IPSwitch.
Solution implementations have been focused on e-commerce activities and software and multimedia development as well as broader database and systems integration. Depending on client business strategies, dynamic data delivery, and web design requirements, VIS will provide development and implementation using database and tools such as SQL, ASP, ColdFusion, JavaScript, Flash, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator, WSH, COM, Perl, and customized programming.
In terms of networking capabilities, VIS have designed and implemented network solutions for local (LAN), wide area networks (WAN), and Virtual Private Networking (VPN) using technologies that included ethernet, fast ethernet, fibre backbones, wireless ethernet, Voice Over IP (VOIP), frame relay, dial-up, and dedicated routings. Some of the networking solutions comprised equipment from partners such Nortel Networks, 3COM, Proxim Wireless LAN, D-Link, Cisco, Wavecom GSM/WAP, and Intel, as well as services from providers such as Jaring, Telekom, Time Telecom, Singtel, and Acasia.
Year established
September 1996.
Key Officers
Ian Craig Buchanan, Chairman
Present Vice President/Lead Partner/Chairman Asia Pacific of BOOZ·ALLEN & HAMILTON
Ex Regional Vice President, SRI International
Founder-shareholder/director, Asean Development Finance Company Ltd
MBA, The Wharton Graduate School of Business, University of Pennsylvania
MA, Magdalen College, Oxford
Leng Kean Meng, Founder & Chief Executive Officer
BSE, The Wharton School of Business
BAS, School of Engineering & Applied Science, University of Pennsylvania
Ex Management Consultant, Stanford Research Institute International and Corporate Planner, Southern Bank
Clairmont Kok, Director, Marketing & Communications
MA, School of Information Management & Systems, Monash University
Eddy Kho, Vice President, Systems Engineering
Certified MCSE, MCP+I
Bachelor in Computing and Information System, Staffordshire University
Danny Wong, Head, Voice Communications System Engineer
Masters in Information Technology, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Joycelyn Neoh, Head, Creative Services
B.SC Hons in Computing (Multimedia), Staffordshire University, U.K.
Connie Khoo, Finance Manager
Cert In LCCI, Systematic College